Advise members on pension related problems and also to the families of deceased members for family pension issues.

  • Quite often pensioners/family pensioners face problems in many pension related issues, in the department or with the pension paying banks. The society takes all issues seriously and advise for means of remedies through DOPPW or departmental channels. Many a time issues have been taken up with CPPCs of banks for delays in payment of pension to family pensioners.

Advise members on health issues and treatment under CGHS facilities.

  • As all of our members are senior citizens and various ailments are reported by members or their kin. We come forward to extend help them about the process to be followed for treatment through CGHS. Members also physically accompany the members during ailments and treatments as and when necessary.

Awareness campaign about various rules and acts about pensioners and senior citizens.

  • We keep members updated on all the benefits and facilities for senior citizens.

Monthly meetings for members, to keep everybody engaged socially.

  • Monthly meetings are held to continue the bond of social togetherness. During the difficult time of Covid pandemic, virtual meetings were arranged to keep the members mental stature high. Virtual meeting is still continued periodically to enable outstation members to be in close touch with others.

Medical camps for members with the help of renowned doctors/leading hospitals annually.

  • We arrange health checkups for the members at the time of AGM with the help of reputed hospitals and doctors, with specific thrust on ailments for elders.

Annual family get together for social and cultural stimulation.

  • Family get-togethers are arranged every year to extend the social bonds. Special programmes like quiz and different game showsand also some cultural activities are arranged during such events. 

Entertainment through cultural / outing programmes.

  • Plans are afoot to organize cultural events in the near future.

Hold Annual General meeting with eminent guests.

  • We invite special and eminent guests from different fields to speak and enlighten us during our Annual General Meetings.